Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Residents of areas that observe the time change will need to set their clocks ahead one hour starting at 2 a.m., which will become 3 a.m.
Laylat al-Qadr (Islam)
Religious Day
Eid-ul-Fitr (Islam)
Religious Day; Schedule Consideration
Day of Pink (International)
This day was created as a campaign to end bullying against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, continuing the fight for equality, diversity, and acceptance.
Songkran/New Year (Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand)
Religious Day; Schedule Consideration
Baisakhi (Bangladesh, Sikh, Hindu)
Religious Day; Schedule Consideration
Maundy Thursday (Christian – Coptic & Eastern Orthodox)
Religious Day
Holy Friday (Christian – Coptic & Eastern Orthodox)
Religious Day; Schedule Consideration
Easter (Christian)
Religious Day; Schedule Consideration